
Square Space Podcast Tease.jpeg

In this storytelling interlude chasing someone down a darkened road morphs as the identities mutate. The question is why? Exploration of the roots of a folklore blues song that is found all over our contemporary culture reveals the magic of blues legend Ledbelly. And then we get to ponder and contemplate how, when and why we each show up as we do. Let’s hangout, learn, and play…

Minerva TrueHeart -

0:24 ShapeShifter Story

11:55 Black Girl Blues Song

14:20 Episode Conversation

21.15 Contemplation Minute

22:53 Thank U Nods

23:36 Vitals/Contact Info

24:10 Kwerky Stories Poem

24:30 Closing

Please check out my website and leave your contact info so I can let you know when my next episode will be released


Friend Drama - A Tale of 2 Friends